The Second Woman- A 24-hour Endurance Performance by Actress Zhi-Ying Zhu
The Grand Opening Season at Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for The Arts includes 41 programs, presenting more than 115 performances and workshops of theatre, circus arts, dance,music, and other artistic works. The Second Woman, a stunning and compelling 24-hour endurance performance, will star Golden Bell award-winning actress Zhi-Ying Zhu, from 7:00 pm, Friday,November 2, 2018 to 7:00 pm, Saturday, November 3, 2018. We would like to invite you to join us in the experimental night with Actress Zhu.
Inspired by Opening Night, the 1977 film by director John Cassavetes, The Second Woman invites 100 amateur actors to repeat classic breakup moments with the actress. The Second Woman’s debut anchored the Next Wave Festival 2016 in Australia and was such a hit that it was invited to play renowned festivals worldwide. It was regarded by critics as the most creative and the finest production in 2017. According to Nat Randall, one of the original co-creators, the 24-hour performance not only challenged the endurance of the actress, but also introduced a stunning exposure of power relations and emotional coercion derived from breakup interactions with a hundred different men at different times of the day. This show will be introduced to Kaohsiung, the first time outside of Australia, and the first time in Chinese. Weiwuying cordially invites men over 18 years old from all walks of life to participate and help create this innovative 24-hour performance with us. The deadline for application is September 28, 2018. The script will be provided to each male actor in advance for rehearsal, and the performing time will be arranged by lead actress Zhi-Ying Zhu and the two co-creators, Nat Randall and Anna Breckon. Please contact us via email or phone regarding “Weiwuying 100 Amateur Actors Selection.”
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